About me

More about my plans, more about my skills

My vision

With a web culture over 12 years and 6 years of experience with high responsibilities, I think I can answer your needs.

Persistent, driven by the desire to undertake and succeed, it is generally described me as a curious, methodical, dynamic and possessing excellent interpersonal skills.

Five values ​​are paramount for me: Usability, listening and engagement supplemented by two generic and essential values ​​that are responsiveness and innovation.
I hope and encourages corporate positioning customer including optimization of human relations, consulting and customer satisfaction oriented.

Passionate about what I do, my career goals are the implementation, development and sharing my knowledge in a professional structure quality.

Ma vision

Fort d’une culture web de plus de 12 ans et de 6 ans d’expériences à fortes responsabilités, je pense pouvoir répondre à vos besoins.

Persévérant, animé par l’envie d’entreprendre et de réussir, on me décrit généralement comme quelqu’un de curieux, méthodique, dynamique et possédant un excellent relationnel.

Cinq valeurs sont pour moi primordiales : L’utilisabilité, l’écoute et l’engagement complétées par deux valeurs génériques et indispensables qui sont la réactivité et l’innovation.
Je souhaite et j’encourage un positionnement d’entreprise orienté client comprenant une optimisation de la relation humaine, du conseil ainsi que de la satisfaction client.

Passionné par ce que je fais, mes objectifs professionnels sont l’application, le développement et le partage de mes connaissances dans une structure professionnelle de qualité.

My skills

Digital marketing

  • - Search Engine Optimization
  • - Search Engine Advertising
  • - Social Media Marketing
  • - Linkbuilding
  • - Emailing strategy
  • - Web editorial conception
  • - Statistics Analysis & reporting
  • - Develop an architecture SEO-friendly
  • - Implement strategy of inbound marketing
  • - Statistics Analysis & reporting
  • - Audits and recommendations

UX & Design

  • - Creation of personas
  • - Card sorting
  • - Mock-up
  • - Optimization of the User Experience
  • - Improvement of the conversion rate
  • - Web design
  • - Redesign
  • - Emailing design
  • - Audits and recommendations

Development & Hosting

  • - Development front-office HTML / CSS, crossbrowsers & W3C Valid
  • - Installation of CMS & frameworks Typo3, WordPress, Prestashop, Magento, Joomla, etc.
  • - Webmastering
  • - Configuration robots & redirections files
  • - General hosting configurations


  • - Analize a market & its environment
  • - Develop the overall marketing strategy
  • - Definition & implementation of offers, products & pricing strategies
  • - Work on BtoC & BtoB sectors
  • - Develop some concepts of differenciation
  • - Audits and recommendations


  • - Estabilsh all the communication strategies
  • - Development of PR & wirtting press releases
  • - Relations & event organizations
  • - Develop the network & partners
  • - Audits and recommendations


  • - Manage a project management (MOA/MOE)
  • - Use differents tools such as Eisenhower matrice, SWOT, etc.
  • - Manage a team
  • - Interact and manage all the participants
  • - Conducts meetings
  • - Manage the client interfacing